"If I want my children and grandchildren to know those who still live in my memory, then I must build the bridge between them. I alone am the link to the generations that stand on either side of me. It is my responsibility to knit their hearts together through love and respect, even though they may never have known each other personally. My grandchildren will have no knowledge of their family’s history if I do nothing to preserve it for them. That which I do not in some way record will be lost at my death, and that which I do not pass on to my posterity, they will never have." ~ Elder Dennis B. Neuenschwander, Ensign, May 1999, pages 83-84~

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Sentimental Sunday - Remembering Daddy

The thing that I am most sentimental about is my Father, Walter Raymond Davis.  Therefore, after much consideration, I have decided to dedicate the next few Sundays to "Remembering Daddy."

Walter Raymond Davis
Walter Raymond Davis was born in Pensacola, Escambia County, Florida on March 12, 1920.  He was the fifth child and first son born to Walter Felix and Naomi Lee Brock Davis.  

Walter Felix and Naomi Lee Brock Davis 

His older sister, Cecil May Davis thought that Raymond, as he was known to his family, was her 8th birthday present - her birthday being March 12, 1912. The three little girls who had been born between Cecil and Raymond had all died in infancy.  They were: An unnamed daughter, born and died on June 14, 1914; Ursula Eugenia Davis, born September 18, 1915, died November 1916; and Mary Esther Davis, born October 18, 1918, died November 17, 1918.
Walter Raymond Davis March 14, 1912.  

Walter Raymond and Roberta Lee Davis
Although Daddy's family was originally from Jackson County, Florida near Marianna, his father was a carpenter and had moved his young family to Pensacola in order to work in the shipyards.The family was still living in Pensacola when Daddy's sister, Roberta Lee Davis, was born on November 22, 1921. 

By 1924, Granddaddy had moved his family to Wimauma in Hillsborough County, Florida. It was while they were in Wimauma that Daddy's brother, Owen Harold Davis, was born on February 1st.. Sometime after Harold's birth, Grandaddy moved the family to West Palm Beach, Florida while he worked as a carpenter on the mansions being built in Palm Beach.
Cecil Mae, Walter Raymond and Roberta Lee Davis

The land boom in Palm Beach went bust by mid 1926 and on September 18th of that same year the area was devastated by a huge hurricane known as "The Big Blow". (This was 25 years before they began naming Hurricanes).  In the aftermath of these events, Daddy, his parents, siblings, and great-grandfather, John Walter Davis, who had been living with the family in West Palm Beach, made their way back to Jackson County.

Daddy spent the rest of his childhood and teenage years living with his family in Jackson County, near where his grandparents had homesteaded in the 1870's.

Today's post is just an introduction the the man I called "Daddy".  In future Sentimental Sunday posts I will be sharing more posts and memories.  I hope you enjoy them!

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